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Deck Ledger Installation in Knoxville, TN

Transform your deck with expert deck ledger installation in Knoxville, TN!

Deck Ledger Installation in Knoxville, TN

Noticed your deck seems to be taking a step back from your house? Or maybe you’re just keen to make sure it never does? 

We’ve got just the thing for you – deck ledger installation! It’s all about making sure your deck stays snug and safe against your home, keeping it both sturdy and looking sharp.

At Riverview Decks, making your outdoor spaces both secure and stylish is what we do best. Our crew’s got the skills for top-notch deck ledger installation, blending innovative techniques with spot-on craftsmanship to ensure your deck is not just attached, but truly connected to your home.

Elevating Outdoor Living in Knoxville, TN

At Riverview Decks, focusing solely on outdoor living enhancements, we provide a comprehensive array of services including professional deck ledger installation. Our commitment to excellence ensures that your deck looks great and is firmly anchored and structurally sound.

Choosing Riverview Decks for your deck ledger installation offers many benefits:

Start the process of securely attaching your deck in Knoxville, TN, with Riverview Decks. Contact us at (865) 801-4545 today, and don’t forget to explore our website for a detailed view of our diverse deck enhancement services!

Our Deck Ledger Installation Portfolio

Witness our commitment to quality through our portfolio of finished projects. Have a look below:


Decks Replaced


Years of Experience


Workmanship Warranty

Our comprehensive deck care package includes expert deck ledger installation, ensuring a robust and visually appealing outdoor area. Don’t wait – fortify your deck now. Dial (865) 801-4545 to unlock your deck’s full potential!

Client Testimonials

Hear from our satisfied customers about the exceptional standards and professionalism Riverview Decks brings to every project:


Kim DiBenedetto


Nate and his team were professional and efficient. We were in constant communication. 

I have 3 dogs that the workers were mindful of by keeping the gate closed and not leaving any nails or screws as a hazard. 

JC and/or Nate were here everyday to ensure quality and perfection. 

There is no one else I would recommend for your deck both new or repairs. I only wish I could give more than 5 stars!


Jennifer Axley

This company is a top class business. Every aspect of the job was conducted in a professional and respectful manner. My project was small when compared to their usual jobs, but Nate and Joe made me feel that they truly valued me as a client.

Benefits Of Deck Ledger Installation In Knoxville, TN

Choosing deck ledger installation in Knoxville, TN, is crucial for enhancing the structural integrity and aesthetics of your deck. By opting for ledger installation, you benefit from:
Securely attached ledgers prevent decks from pulling away, offering a stable and safe platform.
Ledger installation can be more cost-effective than addressing structural issues after the fact, providing a proactive solution to potential problems.
A well-attached deck enhances the overall appearance of your outdoor living space, contributing to a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor areas.
Secure ledger attachment eliminates the risk of deck detachment, ensuring the safety of you and your guests.
A deck that is securely attached and well-maintained raises your property’s value and curb appeal.
Ledger installation allows for a variety of design choices, enabling customization to match your home’s style.

Deck ledger installation is a key service we offer. For more details on how we can improve your deck, visit our website or call us at (865) 801-4545!

Average Deck Ledger Installation Costs in Knoxville, TN

Costs for deck ledger installation range between $200 to $400 per ledger, varying based on the size of the deck, the type of materials used, and the complexity of the installation.

A straightforward installation using pressure-treated wood tends to be on the lower end of the cost spectrum, whereas installations requiring specialized hardware or materials may cost more.

Cost Factors Detailed

The price of deck ledger installation is influenced by several factors, including:

Contact Riverview Decks at (865) 801-4545 for a personalized quote based on your deck ledger installation needs!

FAQs on Deck Ledger Installation in Knoxville, TN

Most deck ledger installations are completed within a few days, depending on the project’s scope.
Typically, you can remain at home as deck ledger installation primarily involves work on the exterior.
It’s recommended to inspect your deck ledger every few years, particularly after severe weather events or if you notice any signs of detachment.
Chic deck setup with wicker furniture, highlighting Deck Ledger Installation in Knoxville, TN.
Nate Burket, owner of Riverview Decks, deck builder in Knoxville, Tennesee

Nate Burket

Choose Riverview Decks for Your Knoxville Deck Ledger Installation

Select Riverview Decks for superior deck ledger installation in Knoxville, TN, ensuring your outdoor space is both aesthetically pleasing and securely attached

Call us at (865) 801-4545 to begin enhancing your deck with our skilled team!

(takes 1-2 min)

Knoxville, TN is a vibrant city where the energy of urban life meets Southern charm. Immerse yourself in history at the East Tennessee History Center and explore the natural beauty at Ijams Nature Center, two must-visit jewels that showcase Knoxville’s unique character.